Welcome to the Gamos Water project pages. Here you will find information and resources on Gamos' most recent work in water. The management of clean and accessible water supplies are a challenge to governments and communities all over the world. Gamos brings knowledge and expertise to this sector, especially at the social level.

Exit Strategies for the Resettlement of Drought Prone Populations
Saturday, 03 September 2011 19:55
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The provision of water supplies for displaced communities is a vital activity carried out by many organisations worldwide. The importance of the initial provision in turn increases the need to ensure such projects are sustainable. Exit strategies need to be considered as carefully as the initial entry and to fill this perceived gap in knowledge and practise amongst agencies the UK Department for International Development (DFID) commissioned Gamos to carry out this study.

Community Participation in Urban Water Services
Saturday, 03 September 2011 19:51
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All water companies engage with communities – through customer relations and community investment programmes. However this is not quite the same as including poor communities in the design, building and operating of urban water supplies. Private sector investment in water and sewerage projects in developing countries has risen from virtually nothing in 1990 to a total of $25 billion at the end of 1997 [Silva et al, 1998]. As this trend in infrastructure development continues, there are opportunities for extending benefits to the poor.